Fake news websites

Keywords of harvest:

The Fake news websites topic collection contains over 50 websites which operates on Czech internet. The sources of Fake news seeds and websites that deal with fact-checking are included in the collection.


List of URLs in CSV

Parlamentní listy.cz

www.parlamentnilisty.cz [current]

www.novarepublika.cz [current]

https://www.google.com/search?q=dezinformacni+weby [current]

https://demagog.cz [current]

https://eurasia24.cz [current]

http://www.nwoo.org [current]

http://infokuryr.cz [current]

https://zpravy.dt24.cz [current]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 12