Karel Gott

Keywords of harvest:

Popular Czech singer Karel Gott died on October 1, 2019. Most of the media focused on this event, a number of thematic programs was created. The discussion in the public space was not only about his successful artistic career against the background of historical events, but also by a decision of government which, on the proposal of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, approved a farewell to Gott in the form of a state funeral. The family leaned toward a funeral with state honors. The thematic collection includes Czech sources and responses in foreign media.

List of URLs in CSV

https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/buehne-und-konzert/schlagerstar-karel-gott-im-alter-von-80-jahren-gestorben-16413812.html [current]

https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karel_Gott [current]

https://www.idnes.cz/kultura/archiv/zemrel-karel-gott.K39069 [current]

https://archiv.ihned.cz/tagy/Gott-Karel-12243 [current]

https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/domaci/2939948-cesko-se-rozlouci-s-karlem-gottem-statnim-pohrbem-pokud-bude-souhlasit-jeho-rodina [current]

https://www.tz.de/stars/karel-gott-ist-tot-florian-silbereisen-mit-bewegender-botschaft-zr-13061854.html [current]

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