History of the Czech Internet

Keywords of harvest:

The thematic collection History of the Czech Internet gathers resources concerning the beginings of the Internet in the Czech Republic, or rather its reflection, both from a technical and user point of view. The collection contains media outlets mapping the phenomena of the early Internet, websites that deal with the documentation of historical Internet services, Cesnet conferences on a given topic, radio and television programs. There is a minimum of the original historical website in the collection. There is a minimum of original historical websites in the collection - however, a significant part was archived by the Czech Internet Museum and eArchive, which are part of the collection.

List of URLs in CSV

webtrh.cz [current]

https://www.fi.muni.cz/usr/jkucera/pv109/2000/ [current]

http://www.earchiv.cz/b00/b1004001.php3 [current]

http://www.earchiv.cz/a91/a149c200.php3 [current]

http://www.earchiv.cz/a91/a148c200.php3 [current]

http://www.earchiv.cz/papers/p31/slide.php3?l=1&me=1 [current]

https://www.lupa.cz/clanky/pribehy-z-historie-ceskeho-internetu-internetovi-pionyri-kteri-prisli-prilis-brzy/ [current]

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