Floods 2013

Keywords of harvest:

In 2013 a large part of the Czech Republic hit a flood. In thematic harvest, we tried to capture feedback in space of Czech internet, specialized websites, responses of authorities, institutions, reactions of media.

List of URLs in CSV

http://www.e-pocasi.cz/povodne/ [current]

http://www.enviweb.cz/povodne [current]

http://praha1.cz/cps/odbory-a-oddeleni-povodnove-zpravodajstvi-z-Prahy-1.html [current]

http://zena.centrum.cz/bydleni/clanek.phtml?id=781458 [current]

http://eagri.cz/public/web/file/232615/Povodne_2013.pdf [current]

http://www.lidovky.cz/zpravy-domov.aspx?o=0&klic=172159 [current]

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