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Romani culture and Romani life in the Czech Republic

Keywords of harvest:

The collection broadly maps Romani culture and life in the Czech Republic; it includes websites of institutions, non-profits, publishers, art portfolios, resources on minority issues and manifestations of domestic antigypsyism, photo documentation of events, news sites/articles, blogs, forums and social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, TikTok). The collection may also include resources with expressions of racism. Compiled 06/23. Representatives of the Museum of Romani Culture and Romani Studies at Charles University and others collaborated on the collection. Includes paracrawls.

List of URLs in CSV

banga.cz [current]

https://www.vlada.cz/assets/ppov/rnm/mensiny/Spolkova-cinnost-romske-mensiny.pdf [current]

https://www.romarchive.eu/en/roma-civil-rights-movement/roma-czech-lands/ [current]

https://mostecky.denik.cz/zpravy_region/janov-policie-je-opet-pripravena-na-nejhorsi.html [current]

https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezin%C3%A1rodn%C3%AD_den_Rom%C5%AF [current]

https://reportermagazin.cz/a/pjcEU/romsky-svatek-zpivalo-se-tancilo-i-vzpominalo [current]

http://www.denik.cz/z_domova/vetsina-cechu-ma-negativni-vztah-k-romum-ale-odmita-nasili-20121121.html [current]

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